Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And the Oscar went to.....

From Roja to Oscars, this has truly been an experience of a lifetime for me. I would definetely not fall short of words in praising our musical god in true sense of the word, because I feel he's been blessed. I was mersmerised by his humility when he accepted that coveted prize without any pretentions and excitement. He knew its special and he humbly dedicated it to the special people in his life , "his mother" , "his fans all over india and the world".

I'm proud to be Rahman fan!!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oscar Night

The Night of February 22nd is soon coming when history will be created. The moment of truth for which all of ARR fans were waiting is soon to be a reality. The whole of Kodak theatre is going to resound with thundering applause and a standing ovation to an Indian for whom over 100 billion indians will be proud of.

Let us all wish and pray for our master - The ARR.